Whether you’re looking to insure a new vehicle, protect your home, or make sure your loved ones are protected in the case of a life-changing event, you’re likely looking to find a policy that not only meets your needs but that also matches your ideal price range. With insurance premiums on the rise, making sure you know how to find the best rates available can reduce stress and eliminate the risk of missed payments. Follow our quick tips below to ensure you have the competitive advantage on your policies!
Consider Partnering With A Broker
Shopping around for the best rates is a good way to keep yourself up to date on the latest rates but as many Albertans quickly realize, it can also be extremely time-consuming. Working with an experienced broker means that you have a team in your corner that is dedicated to searching through each option to find the perfect fit for your needs and budget.
Stay On Top Of Your Premiums and Information
If you’re looking to reduce your rates come renewal, a little pro-activity goes a long way. Make sure your payments are on time to avoid the potential for cancellation (which may affect your rates with a new provider), and always update your information in a timely fashion whenever a significant change occurs. Staying on top of both of these factors helps to ensure you’re in prime standing when it’s time to make a switch.

Consider Bundling Your Policies
Packaging your home and auto insurance policies can be a great way to reduce your premiums by up to 25%. Speak to your broker about tying together your different lines of insurance to see if you may be eligible for savings!
Ask About Perks!
If you’ve been insured for several years and are claims-free, you may be eligible for discounts through certain providers. Ask your broker for more details.

Be Mindful Of Who Is On Your Policy
If you have teenagers in the household that are preparing to hit the road as a new driver, speak to one of our brokers to find out the best way to start their insurance journey. New drivers are considered a much higher risk, and can significantly alter your premiums, especially if an at-fault claim occurs. Let us help in having ‘the insurance talk’ with them.
Still wondering what you can do to find the best fit for you and your family? Contact Ravenhill now to learn more about getting the best rates for your existing or new policies today!
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